Online Marketing Forum 2019 (Vietnam Online Marketing Forum – VOMF) is an official event on online marketing with a nationwide scale, this is the third year the event has been held in Vietnam. The forum was held on August 14, 2019 in Hanoi and August 16, 2019 in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City brings together the online marketing service business community as well as organizations, businesses and individuals using this service. VOMF 2018 is highly appreciated by businesses and individuals doing business online. Following the success of VOMF 2018, in August 2019, Vietnam E-commerce Association VECOM continued to organize VOMF 2019 with the theme “Personalized experience – Personalize experience”. In Hanoi, the forum attracted the participation of more than 1200 organizations, businesses and individuals related to online business, including more than 120 online marketing service providers for the following purposes : exchange information, orient solutions and business cooperation opportunities in the field of online marketing. Support e-commerce businesses to determine the right online marketing strategy, improve online marketing effectiveness. Contributing to market expansion through online marketing channels, increasing market share of Vietnamese enterprises. Join the discussion at Session 1 of VOMF 2019 in Hanoi with the content: ”How is the personalization experience in the field of online export currently applied? ” Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung – Director of Fado North region shared: “Online export via e-commerce platforms is an increasingly popular trend in the world as well as in Vietnam, we can see the two most famous and attractive platforms today, Alibaba – for B2B channel and Amazon – for B2C channel. However, if online export activities through e-commerce platforms in the world have really helped exporters and importers conduct many online transactions for activities from finding customers, promoting trade, etc. trade to support contract conclusion and payment, etc., in Vietnam, online export mainly focuses on activities of searching, exploiting the market and promotion activities; Vietnamese export enterprises do not have the conditions to conduct online transactions in the export process through e-commerce platforms. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung – Managing Director of Fado North (in the middle) received the certification Besides, the data on e-commerce platforms is huge, especially those supporting export activities, and has For a long time, these e-commerce platforms have applied many technologies so that users from many countries can easily access, use and conduct transactions quickly and conveniently. As for the C2C e-commerce floor, as early as 2013, Amazon has made purchase suggestions suitable for personality, age, geographical area, and preferences when users visit amazon.com. On the Alibaba e-commerce platform, buyers come from more than 190 countries around the world. The system will identify which country the buyer is from to apply that country language. This requires booths on e-commerce floors to integrate multiple languages; To target any market, it is necessary to have the language of that market. Currently, professional platforms are integrated with more than 10 languages, targeting 10 potential markets of that industry. Make multiple versions for each relevant market, then increase your sales chances by more than 35%. However, Vietnamese enterprises’ booths only stop at English language. However, even when using English, we still encounter differences in the wording used for products in different regions of the world. A typical example is when searching for the keyword football shoes, British people use Soccer shoes, Americans use Football Shoes, the search results for both keywords show that there are more than 34,000 products, but only nearly 1,500 businesses use them. from Soccer Shoes; but there are nearly 2,200 businesses using the word Football Shoes. Therefore, the trend of personalizing user experience with keyword search in the online market is extremely important, Vietnamese SMEs need to soon seize the opportunity and deploy quickly to have competitive advantages.

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